1:1 Coaching

Our sessions will be



Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current health status and identifying potential wellness goals to create your personalized plan.


Everyone experiences obstacles throughout their health journey. I will help you identify and overcome these barriers so you stay motivated and continue to have success with your goals.


Since being healthy is about more than just exercise and diet, I will be guiding you toward other helpful practices that will help promote positive lifestyle change.


How you’ll feel

More confident, motivated and empowered to make choices that have a positive impact on your health.

What to Expect…

Health Coaching Plans


$60 Single Session

Per Session Includes:

  • A one time, 75 minute coaching session with a board certified health coach.

  • Professional guidance.

  • Health tips and other related resources.

  • Goal planning.

  • Q&A

*Expires within 1 year after purchase.

$125 Personalized Plan

Per Session Includes:

  • Monthly, 60 minute coaching sessions with a board certified health coach.

  • Bi-weekly, 20 minute phone chat to discuss progress.

  • Regular check-ins throughout each week.

  • Goal planning with follow-up.

  • Accountability using various tools and ongoing communication.

  • Biometric tracking and sustainable weight loss planning to yield results.

  • Unlimited health tips, recipes, and other related resources.

  • Education on relevant topics with a certified health coach that specializes in; plant-based nutrition, gut health and hormone health.

  • Maintenance plan to continue making progress.

*Must Purchase a 3 or 6 Month Plan.


Learn How My Health Coaching Approach Can Benefit You.



What is health coaching?

Health coaching is a collaboration between the coach and client where the coach offers support, accountability, structure and recommendations based on the clients needs in regard to their health and wellness goals. The client would then be responsible for producing their own results by putting what is discussed and planned during the sessions into practice. 

Why hire a Health Coach?

As individuals, we have a pretty good understanding of what actions need to be taken in order to obtain our desired health status so why hire a health coach?

Because change is not an easy concept. Naturally, we gravitate toward things that provide us with comfort. Often you may find yourself “getting out of your comfort zone” and trying a new weight loss or fitness regimen only to find yourself back where you started. And why take the time to change when there are all of these “quick fixes” being advertised? We all want instant gratification when it comes to our health. The reality is, if you want lasting results you have to put forth the time and effort to fully transform your mind and body which can be uncomfortable in the beginning.

Having a health coach will keep you motivated, engaged and focused on achieving your wellness goals so you can be successful on your health journey.

What to expect from this coaching program.

The coaching program will be based on specific goals determined during your initial and ongoing monthly sessions. Throughout the program, we will continually discuss the progress of your personal wellness goals. I will follow-up with you regularly throughout the duration of the program to help hold you accountable and keep you on track with your goal progress. Each coaching session will consist of a formal discussion focusing on your unique needs. During this time, we will collaborate together to determine your goals, create action plans to ensure follow through, sort through areas of concern, reflect upon successes and much more! I will be available by text or e-mail as needed outside of our sessions and will make it a priority to respond to you as promptly as I can. At the end of you program we will summarize and celebrate all of your accomplishments!

Where do the coaching sessions take place?

This program is virtually adaptable using electronic forms, resources and online video communications for clients who prefer the convenience of a remote coaching relationship and also for clients who are long distance. If local, the sessions can be held in person.

When will I see results?

This coaching program is not intended to be a quick fix, rather, it is a gradual process to better your health now and continue to maintain it for the long term. If you implement what is advised within your plan you will see progress between each session.